(A.I.D.) An Inquiry Dynamic: The Future of…, is a interdisciplinary inquiry based mentorship program for Gen Z & Millennials dancers, and their generation.
This mentorship gathers Gen Z & Millennials dancers, and their generation with professionals in the social sciences and humanities to collaboratively develop a practice of “contemplative inquiry into and expression of the future of our contemporary dynamics“. Dynamics born out of the isms and tenets that define and shape today’s humanity, morality, spirituality, faith, love, race, technology, ethics and environmentalism. The culmination of our collaborative contemplative gatherings will result in a dance, theater performance that illustrates Gen Z & Millennials reflective inquiries on the trajectory of our contemporary social dynamics.
In 2010 I began developing a dance intensive that would invite young dancers to collaboratively create work that asked what would our contemporary morality look like when inserted into future radical social dynamics, as a way to understand how or what changes morality. Over the past 6 years I’ve developed our inquisitive collaborative team by including practitioners in the social sciences and the humanities in order to expand our inquiry into the trajectory of Humanism, Love, Racism, Spirituality, Faith, Morality, Technology, Ethics and Environmentalism, as these are the essential social dynamics humanity will continuously process, throughout its existence.
Our process has become one where we meet high school Gen Z & university Millennials twice a month for 3 hour at our partnering space, Judson Church to:
- Develop emergent questions relating to the challenges of our contemporary dynamics.
- Explore what those emergent challenges would look like when inserted into future narratives where the integration of race, biology and technology create new social, global and environmental challenges?
- Ask participants to imagine responses and outcomes to the original emergent questions, so to understand where and how they can have an effect on the future of…
I believe a commitment to inquire contemplatively about the future of our dynamics times through the creative arts, social sciences and radical future narratives, is essential to helping future generations develop forward-thinking problem-solving skills, for radical futures.
(A.I.D.) An Inquiry Dynamic: The Future of…, seeks to inspire generations invested in creating a moral future.
Here and below are some samples of this project: https://youtu.be/J3JRwYXjFFc
Apply to our dance mentor-ship program by emailing:nathantrice_rituals@yahoo.com
When applying to our (A.I.D.) The Future of…, mentor-ship program, please submit the following materials:
- An application (upon request via email)
- One YouTube link of the applicant performing solo material of at least 1 – 2 minutes.
- One full body 8 x 11 photo.
- A clear copy of your college/university I.D., Drivers License or Passport if you are a non-US Citizen
- One paragraph that express your thoughts on “the future of…, 1 of our 7 themes” ? Your thoughts will play a significant role in designing the content, form and function of the mentor-ship activities and culminating performances.
As we prepare for our (A.I.D.): The Future of…, activities, we ask for your help to ensure that we successfully engage our efforts by making a tax-deductible donation to: nathantrice/rituals dance theater music
Donations made to nathantrice / RITUALS dance theater music will support our goal to continually present educational residencies and artistic performances that inspire dialogue and action around the future of youth, women and Love across cultures, generations and geographies. Please make a donation today.